" Progress
begins when you believe "
" Maximal Improvement In Minimal Time "
~ 激發這些兒童的最大潛能。
~ 提升這些兒童的生活自主能力。
what's tight,
what's stiff,
what's weak,
~Train what's
~~ And feel
Kevin Huang, PT,MA.

Founder |
Kevin --
- 1990畢業於中山醫學大學物理治療糸,並於台大物理治療糸完成實習訓練。
- 1995畢業於紐約大學物理治療碩士研究所,並專科於兒童動作發展及治療。
- 1992-1997於Bernard Fineson Developmental Center 擔任資深物理治療師職位。
- 1997開始從事0-3歲兒童早療計劃 (Early Intervention Program)的粗動作評估及居家物理治療。
- 1997開始於 Queens Centers For Progress (former name-United
Cerebral Palsy of Queens) 從事兒童物理治療工作。
- 1995-1998在長島 Parker Jewish Geriatric Institute 擔任兼職物理治療師.
- 2006成立
Genius Physical Therapy PLLC (Genius Pediatric Therapy &
Fitness Center-全方位兒童治療中心) 。
- 2008 獲得美國TheraSuit® LLC公司的 Intensive Therapy Program (TheraSuit® and TheraSuit Method®, and Universal Exercise Unit) 的專業講師認證,並經美商思若速特公司 (TheraSuit® LLC) 完全授權成為亞洲區總代理。
(Pediatric Physical Therapist)主持,專為有需要的嬰幼童及青少年提供物理治療和職能治療的服務。
- 有專為特殊障礙兒童提供的運動治療室。
- 舒適的候診室,設有電視和DVD供家長和小孩等候時觀賞。
- 地點方便-位於紐約市皇后區貝賽近長島;鄰近長島猶太醫院;公車可到達[Q27,Q46,Q88, QMA1];鄰近主要高速公路 (Grand Central Parkway, CrossIsland Parkway, and Long Island Expressway);
- 可協助安排住宿;附設停車場且停車方便。
** 傳統復健治療--物理治療和職能治療;
Early Intervention Program (EIP)- 幼兒早療計劃 (0-3 歲兒童)
CPSE- 學齡前特教計劃 (3-5 歲學齡前兒童)
CSE- 學齡特教計劃 (5-21 歲學齡青少年)
** 密集運動訓練治療法 --
此療法起源於蘇聯太空人於太空無重力下返回地球後,許多肌肉及運動功能降低,藉由穿著思若速特裝具 (TheraSuit®)和運用全方位動器
材(Universal Exercise Unit),統合運用各種不同的治療手法及誘發技巧 (NDT,PNF, TAMO, Pilates,...等),針對腦性麻痺及運動或協調控制功
*密集運動訓練治療法[TheraSuit Method®]使用器材:
- 思若速特裝具- TheraSuit®
- 全方位動器材-Universal Exercise Unit (UEU)
- 上肢和下肢副木- Arm & knee immobilizers
- 治療用球和椅- Therapeutic Balls/ Benchs
- 熱敷包- Hot pads
*密集運勳訓練課程選擇 -
* 免費評估和咨詢服務 |
* 運勳訓練課程 A |
每週五天,每天三小時,全期四週密集訓練。 |
* 運勳訓練課程 B |
每週五天,每天三小時,全期三週密集訓練。 |
* 運勳訓練課程 C |
每週五天,每天三小時,全期二週密集訓練。 |
* Intensive
Therapy Program (ITP) -
The Intensive
Therapy Program (ITP) is customized to fit the needs of each special
needed child. The Intensive Therapy Program follows the "
TheraSuit Method® " which is an intensive strengthening
program to treat various neurological disorders such as Cerebral
Palsy, neuro-musculoskeletal or neuro-motor disorders, Grobal
or Developmental Delays, and Traumatic Brain Injuries or Spinal
Cord Injuries. This method utilizes the TheraSuit® and Universal
Exercise Unit combined with various treatment and handling
strategies to combat the effects of de-conditioning and immobilization
to promote the maximum potential of independence.
of TheraSuit Method
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* NDT (Nero-Developmental
Treatment) -
Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) is an advanced and widely
recognized therapeutic approach. This hands-on approach is
used in working with people who have central nervous system
insults that create difficulties in controlling movement.
The therapists using NDT treatment work closely with individuals
with neurological challenges (e.g. cerebral palsy, stroke,
head injury). We help them to become as independent as possible.
The therapists work collaboratively with individuals, family,
caregivers and physicians to develop comprehensive treatment
programs based on the principles of human neurology and physiology.
It focuses on handling techniques to maximize proximal stability
in the body, thus improving postural control and functional
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* SI (Sensory
Sensory integration is an innate neurobiological process and
refers to the integration and interpretation of sensory stimulation
from the environment by the brain. In contrast, sensory integrative
dysfunction is a disorder in which sensory input is not integrated
or organized appropriately in the brain and may produce varying
degrees of problems in development, information processing,
and behavior. A general theory of sensory integration and
treatment has been developed by Dr. A. Jean Ayres from studies
in the neurosciences and those pertaining to physical development
and neuromuscular function.
Sensory integration focuses primarily on three basic senses--tactile,
vestibular, and proprioceptive. Their interconnections start
forming before birth and continue to develop as the person
matures and interacts with his/her environment. The three
senses are not only interconnected but are also connected
with other systems in the brain. Although these three sensory
systems are less familiar than vision and audition, they are
critical to our basic survival. The inter-relationship among
these three senses is complex. Basically, they allow us to
experience, interpret, and respond to different stimuli in
our environment.
"Cindy Hatch-Rasmussen,
M.A., OTR/L"
Therapy Northwest, P.C.
Beaverton, OR 97005
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* Therapeutic
Therapeutic Listening is a sound-based intervention that is
embedded in the sensory integration perspective. It has evolved
from clinical work built on a foundation of developmental
and neurological principles. Like other sensory integrative
interventions. Therapeutic Listening has a strong impact on
sub-cortical processing of sensor-motor function. As a result,
it can be effective for a variety of occupations ranging from
basic arousal, sensory modulation, and praxis to focused attention
and academics. Therapeutic Listening can be implemented in
a variety of settings although it is primarily a home-based
program. It is individualized for each client and with the
guidance of a trained practitioner can be easily implemented
by parents, teachers, and other caregivers.
Because the auditory
system has connections to many parts of the brain, sound is
a powerful way to access the nervous system and affect changes
at all levels. The music in Therapeutic Listening CDs gives
the listener unique and precisely controlled sensory information.
The music is electronically modified to highlight the parts
of the the sound spectrum that naturally trigger attention
and activate body movement, synchronizing it with the environment.
Therapeutic Listening uses electronic modification, along
with the organized, rhythmical sound patterns inherent in
music, to trigger the self-organizing capacities of the nervous
Therapeutic Listening uses a variety of movement activities
designed to elicait the adaptive responses that are the cornerstone
of sensory integrative treatment. These activities develop
and strengthen the postural responses along with healthy and
relaxed breathing patterns. In this way, Therapeutic Listening
sets up the body and the nervous system for emergent skills
and has been found decrease the time necessary to meet treatment
" Sheila
M. Frick, OTR and Sally R. Young, PHD "
Clinical Concepts and Treatment Guidelines
Therapeutic Listening
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* Traditional
Therapy Program-
We provide traditional therapy services (Early Intervention
Program, CPSE program, and RSA Program). Treatment includes
physical exercises to improve joint mobility and stability,
to increase muscle strength and endurance, to facilitate balance
and coordination control, and to promote functional skills.
Therapeutic goals
are focused on:
1. helping children
improve their mobility and stability during their activities
of daily living,
2. preventing or improving the child's permanent physical disabilities,
3. improving the child's functional skills,
4. assessing assistive or adaptive devices to reach the child's
maximum improvement (including wheelchairs, walker, crutches
or orthotics).
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How can my child participate in the program?