Copyright @ 2010
Pediatric Therapy Center
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兒康有限公司 (Genius Worldwide Co., LTD.- 由黃思尉物理治療師主理)為美商思若速特公司 (TheraSuit LLC)唯一授權亞洲代理商,




兒康有限公司 (Genius Worldwide Co., LTD.)針對治療師 (及相關醫療運動訓練人員)及家長提供思若速特裝具、全方位運動器材、及密



* 治療師 (及相關醫療運動訓練人員)--

  • 天 思若速特裝具 (2-day TheraSuit®)
  • 天 全方位運動器材 (2-day Universal Exercise Unit (UEU))
  • 五天 思若速特裝具、全方位運動器材、及密集運動訓練治療 (5-day TheraSuit® and TheraSuit Method® , Universal Exercise Unit (UEU), , and Intensive Therapy Program (ITP)





  • 天 思若速特裝具 (2-day TheraSuit®)
  • 天 全方位運動器材 (2-day Universal Exercise Unit (UEU))




    • 所有訓練課程皆以小班上課 (少於六人),蒞臨指導課程 ( On-site Training) 可另外預約,團體報名另有優惠。
    •  所有的訓練課程講義、運動器材操作手冊、及運動器材操作示範 DVDs [ TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit (UEU)] 皆購至 TheraSuit® LLC,完全免費提供.



    • 地址:

    台北市大同區承德路三段165-1號 (位於承德路三段及民族西路交叉東南角,鄰近捷運圓山站,步行5至10分鐘)


    • 聯絡方式:



    ~或請來電 (02)4050-2999 (請待語音提示), 再打 8991205307#

    ~或請來電1-718-217-7141 (美國)



Genius Worldwide Co. LTD is based in Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC, and is authorized by TheraSuit LLC to provide a certified training in Asia area.  It contains total 40 hours (8 hours per day) including two-day certified training in TheraSuit® and TheraSuit Method®, 2-day certified training in Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) and its application, and one-day training for Rationale Behind Intensive Therapy Program (ITP).   The certified course also can be divided into 2-day TheraSuit® Certified Course/ Training, and 2-day Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) Certified Course/Training  specialized in education and training of  therapists Intensive Therapy program (the unique European Approach of treatment for children with Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro-Musculoskeletal or Neuro-Motor Disorders).  This intensive five-day training contains total 40 hours (8 hours per day) including two-day certified training in TheraSuit® and TheraSuit Method®, 2-day certified training in Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) and its application, and one-day training for Rationale Behind Intensive Therapy Program (ITP).   The certified course also can be divided into 2-day TheraSuit® Certified Course/ Training, and 2-day Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) Certified Course/Training.  Participants will receive a certificate (also recognized by TheraSuit LLC in USA) after accomplishing the course/training. 

All the Certified Courses/Trainings are hands-on workshops that target the education of therapists in the following areas:

  1. Cerebral Palsy -- Speaker will explain definition, etiology, assessment, and deviations and reasons of abnormal development.
  2. TheraSuit® and TheraSuit Method®:  theory and practice -- Therapists will learn how to use the TheraSuit® to correct postural deviation in children with Cerebral Palsy.  TheraSuit® is a form of soft dynamic orthosis that provide dynamic proprioceptive correction to and from musculoskeletal systems.
  3. Universal Exercise Unit (UEU): theory and practice -- Speaker will demonstrate proper use and promote hands on training.  The speaker will explain rules and principles, indications, contraindications, and precautions.
  4. Rationale Behind Intensive Therapy Program approach - Presenter will support the thesis with scientific data based on physiology of exercise, and documented morpho-functional changes triggered by Intensive Therapy Program in children.



  1. General understanding of the definition, etiology, symptoms, assessment and available treatments for Cerebral Palsy.
  2. Review and identify the clinical sign and presentation of the consumers with cerebral palsy CP), and neuro-motor or neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.
  3. Review and identify that deficit in muscle force production play a major role in the pathokinesiology of cerebral palsy.  Understanding of the negative effects of the hypokinesis; patho-physiological and morpho-functional changes secondary to lack of movement.
  4. Gain knowledge about goals setting with consumer and/or their families
  5. Learn about stretching of the consumers with Central Nervous System damage (CP, CVA or strokes, traumatic brain injury) or spinal cord injury.
  6. Gain knowledge of TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit including:
    • History and Development
    • Components
    • Theory and Principles
    • Indications/Benefits
    • Contraindications/ Precautions
    • Exercises
  7. Obtain knowledge in safe and effective use and application of the TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit.
  8. Therapists will be able to adjust tension of the TheraSuit® connectors accordingly to the consumers' clinical presentation and treatment goals.
  9. Obtain clinical skills in using TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit - Hands-on practice on patients with cerebral palsy, and other neuro-motor or neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.
  10. Analysis of clinical cases (video presentation).
  11. Review physiology of exercises, how to design exercise program developing strength, endurance.  Understand rationale behind intensive pediatric physical therapy approach.  Gain skills needed to design individualized intensive exercise program using TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit.
  12. Gain knowledge of setting "Home Exercise Programs" and in-service training to the consumer and/or their families.
  13. Review of the current research, literature and articles about intensive therapy and Suit Therapy.



(Manuals & DVDs)

(Physiological Rationale Behind Intensive Therapy)



    • Hands-on training, direct practicing and applying TheraSuit® and Universal Exercise Unit (UEU).
    • Picturing and videotaping allowed.
    • Each participant will receive a Certificate of Training, and the certificate is also recognized by TheraSuit® LLC.
    • Participants can purchase TheraSuit®, Universal Exercise Unit (UEU), and other equipments after the certified training course.
    • Download Information:
      • Abstract of the Certified Training Course (PDF)
      • Course Objectives (PDF)
      • Registration
      • Handouts (PDF sample pages)
      • Agenda
      • TheraSuit® Manual
      • Universal Exercise Unit (UEU) Manual

